Pick a Subject to participate in.
Bible knowledge - genesis, exodus, acts, proverbs, etcBiology - Transport in living organisms, Movement, Coordination, Excretion, etcChemistry - Chemical equation, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Acid base and salt, Electrolysis, etcCivics - Gender, Promotion of life skills, Poverty, Human Rights, Work, etcComputer - All topics and Aspects in Information and Computer Studies and Computer ScienceDivinity - Gods love to man, evangelism, Paul's scriptures, etc English Language - Structure, word formation, parts of speech, writting skillsGeography - manufacturing Industry, Tourism, Physical Geography, Elementary Survey, Land reclamation, etcHistory - Colonial administrative System, Establishment of colonialism, Colonial economy, Africa and external world, etcKiswahili - Tungo, methali, nahau, vitabu, n.k.Mathematics - gradients, logarithm, differentiation, statistics, trigonometry, probability, vectors, etcPhysics - Acceleration, kinematics, Friction, Current electricity, application of vectors, etc