BOFYA HAPA kusoma barua toka kwa meneja - UTUSAIDIE KUIOKOA ALFAGEMS | BOFYA HAPA kupata ombi la kujiunga kidato 5 - 2025 | BOFYA HAPA kupata ombi la kuandaliwa kidato 6 mwaka mmoja - 2025 | BOFYA HAPA kupata taratibu za kujiunga na kidato 5 - 2025 | BOFYA HAPA kupata taratibu za kuandaliwa kidato 6 - 2025 | BOFYA HAPA kupata nafasi za masomo 2025 | View and download ASCEE, SCEE, QT, MOCK and FTNA/FTSEE past papers of various subjects in pdf ->> Kusoma jumbe na taarifa mbalimbali, fuata kiungo 'SCHOOL NEWS' hapo chini.
× Barua toka kwa meneja wa shule - UTUSAIDIE KUIOKOA ALFAGEMS


Masomo na michepuo ya A-Level

"Education is not a way to escape poverty, it is a way to fight it" - Mwl J. K. Nyerere

Our School


The Academy is at an exciting time in its over 10-year history, and we continue the founding mission of offering outstanding education to both young women and boys of the 21st century.

As a Catholic, independent school the Academy provides an outstanding college-preparatory education. Caring teachers, small classes, a rich and varied curriculum, and lively, enthusiastic students make the Academy unique.

Along with its quality academic program, the Academy focuses on character and values, cooperation, mutual respect and service.

Our school is a place where young students learn to listen, question, challenge, probe and gain the knowledge and confidence that will allow them to think for themselves and make good decisions.

We believe that excellence in education enables students to value themselves as individuals, while at the same time, prepares them to participate with confidence in a complex and changing society.



It is given that the students at our school will receive an outstanding academic education, but most important, we value the fact that the students are surrounded by people who care about them and care about one another.

Goal • Make our Catholic secondary schools available, accessible and affordable to most students, including those who are poor and middle class.

Mission • Provide the best Catholic schools for the greatest number of children throughout Tanzania.

Vision • Our Vision is for an outstanding Catholic education that equips our young people with the knowledge, skills, hope and optimism to live meaningful lives and shape and enrich the world around them.

We intend to create an education system that offers a synthesis among:

- Humanistic Culture.

- Scientific culture and technological know how.

- The values of the Gospel proclaimed by the Catholic Church (as expanded later).



having in mind a comprehensive and balanced growth and uprearing of the students, with the target to turn them into good and valuable persons and citizens.

Our education proposal is addressed to Christian families and students and also to families and students of other religions who share the univeral values of the Gospel.

Values • The values we get inspiration from in our daily work and that we teach to our students are the values of the Gospel and include:

- Solidarity with all people.

- Service to people in need.

- Love for all people, particularly for poor, weak, needy.

- Respect for one another.

- Respect and love for all creatures, for nature and for the environment.



- Being open to students and families of other religions, who are welcomed to join our school. As Catholics we promote the dialogue with people of other religions, teach to love another, leasten to one another and speak openly, amicably and friendly to one another.

- Offer to students ways of integration between Faith values and culture.

- Offer to students a way of integration between Christian values and life.

- In a word we are inspired by the values of the Gospel, which teaches love as the primary commandment.

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